Stretch Stool - Normann Copenhagen
Stretch-kollektionen er kendetegnet ved lange, solide fyrretræsplanker, der fremhæver designets robusthed, holdbarhed og kvalitet. Designet er et eksempel på funktionel minimalisme – uden unødvendige detaljer. I stedet besidder Stretch et enkelt, ukompliceret og imødekommende design. Kollektionen består af en skammel på 40 cm, en bænk på 160 cm og en længere bænk på 200 cm. Alle tre møbler er lavet af fyrretræsplanker i fuld længde og en bestemt tykkelse, hvilket understreger materialets skønhed og styrke. Den holdbare og indbydende appel af fyrretræet vil blive yderligere forbedret med tiden. Sammenlignet med andre træsorter, der er mere homogene, opnår fyrretræ en fantastisk patina, der er designet til at vare livet ud og ældes smukt. Det naturlige træ er lakeret med en klar, mat UV-lak, der beskytter mod solens stråler. Kollektionen tilbyder muligheder for en bred vifte af miljøer: Skamlen kan bruges som sidebord eller natbord, og bænkene som siddepladser i en lang gang eller langs den ene side af spisebordet.
Shipping and returns

Normann Copenhagen
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Frequently asked questions
Our Customer Service is open weekdays 09:00-14:00
What payment options are there on Underflod's webshop?
Underflod's webshop offers a number of different payment options to make it as easy as possible for you to shop with us. You can pay with most common credit cards, e.g. Visa, Mastercard and Dankort. We have also got MobilePay so that you can complete your payment easily and quickly. We are continuously working to offer more payment options to make it easier for you to shop with us.
How do I get my order shipped?
When you have placed your order at Underflod's webshop, we will pack your goods as soon as possible and send them to the desired delivery address. We offer delivery with GLS. If delivery to a parcel shop is selected, your item will be delivered to the nearest GLS parcel shop. Alternatively, we will deliver the goods ourselves.
What do I do if I receive a defective item?
We do everything to ensure that you receive your item in perfect condition. However, if you receive a defective item, please contact us as soon as possible. We will then do our best to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
How do I return an item?
If you regret your purchase or want to return an item, you can do so within 14 days of delivery. The item must be in the same condition as when you received it, and all packaging and any additional accessories must be included. If you have any questions, please contact us :)
How do I contact you?
You can contact us by email contact@underflod.com or by calling us on 42923237 on weekdays between 9-14. We do our best to answer all inquiries as quickly as possible